October 2024
We pointed him to our April 2009 mailing Item 1 ('and the Help pages referred to there if you’re really keen') and said:I will be starting a report that I'd like to write in SW as it will be a chapter in the book <snip>. However I think the report may need to make it look more like a Word document, in particular the font: Times new roman or Ariel. Are there choices available for different fonts?
This same user (and others) have asked about increasing the size of the font beyond the standard choices described below:Please open each of the four .tex files, produce the PDFs with Typeset – PreviewPDF and decide which one you like. Then use that as the template for your report.<snip>
- checkoutstandard.tex – the same as checkout.tex in c:\sw55\SWSamples\ using Computer Modern for text and maths
- checkouttimes.tex – adds in the Times package (Typeset – Options & Packages – Package Options). Prints text in Times New Roman, but uses Computer Modern for maths
- checkoutmathtime.tex – adds in the Mathtime package. Prints text and maths in Times New Roman
- checkouthelvet.tex – adds in the Helvet package AND the line in the Typeset – Preamble saying
Looks like Arial.
To use the same material as a chapter in your book subsequently, create a blank chapter for your book in the usual way <snip> and then use File – Import Contents to draw the contents of your report into the book chapter (which will use the formatting of the book chapter with the content of the report).
The Article class documents (such as the checkout samples) allow you to select the text font size, between 10pt, 11pt or 12pt, from the Class Options: Typeset – Options & Packages – Class Options – modify – Body text point size. The checkout samples already use 12pt.We replied:
Please see our sample document (.tex file and PDF).To increase the body text font size, see our May 2011 mailing Item 2.
Here’s a more thorough working of [the above], using <snip> the packages (Typeset – Options and Packages – Package Options):
- Scalefnt – to increase the body text size
- Sectsty – to adjust the size of section headings, subsection headings etc.
- [and for good measure] Xcolor – to add colour to the headings if you wish. (To add the xcolor package you would need to ‘Go Native’ in the Package Options dialog since it’s not in the default list of packages for the article class; see our December 2011 mailing Item 5 for the explanation.)
The effect in the PDF is obtained from the Typeset – Preamble commands:
\sectionfont{\color{red}\scalefont{1.2}}I’ve used 1.2 for them all, but you could choose different parameters. You could leave out the xcolor package and the colour definitions.
Subsequently another user also wrote:It’s complicated because [university] puts a bitlocker on all laptops and I cannot restart in safe mode without getting the key which only the IT department has.
We note that the page at https://www.wikihow.com/Start-Windows-in-Safe-Mode says:...with my new machine, it required me to enter the bitlocker code to enter Safe mode (for which I inturn needed to login to my microsoft account to fetch the code).
If you use BitLocker, consider disabling it before booting into Safe Mode. If you do not suspend BitLocker protection, then you will be asked for your recovery key to continue booting into Safe Mode.We have now updated the webpage (the June 2016 mailing Item 6(1) first bullet) referred to by our version 5.5 installation instructions Step 2.
Note that this question is the reverse of the one we answered in our July 2011 mailing Item 1.You can convert them to single column from Typeset – Options and Packages – Class options – Modify – Columns – One column.
For Training, we offer the videos of our £4000 Two-Day Training Course for only £197 per person, with Educational discount to £147 per person.
He responded:As promised we attach the .tex files (and also the .rap files) for the A and B form of the document.
which we explained as follows:Many thanks,
One question please
If I want to send the manuscript to the coauthors
Should I send the tex file after zipping it ? Or send the rap file? To be sure all the figures reaching them
Kindly advise
We last covered the idea of wrapping documents (to create .rap files) in our September 2014 mailing Item 5.The .rap file contains the .tex document and everything the .tex file needs. If you open the .rap file with WordPad you will see a list of the contents at the start – something like:
% Files included: %
% %
% "/document/[DOCUMENT].tex", Document, 20972, 8/12/2024, 23:05:21, ""%
% "/macros/LaTeX/base/article.cls", Macro, 21194, 5/10/2004, 19:41:26, ""%
% "/macros/LaTeX/base/fleqn.clo", Macro, 3785, 5/10/2004, 19:41:24, ""%
- If your co-authors use Scientific Word/WorkPlace, then send them the .rap file which they can unwrap from Tools – Document Manager.
- If your co-authors write LaTeX by hand (ie. without using Scientific Word/WorkPlace) then you should use the list of contents from the .rap file (as above) to tell you which files they need, and you should send those files separately as attachments (or zipped up together). Without Scientific Word/WorkPlace your co-authors would struggle to unwrap the .rap file; if your colleagues would like to use Scientific Word/WorkPlace we can supply licensing for them – either permanent licences or the low-cost annual subscription.
We wrote back advising that:Please find the screenshot of the registering stage. It does not accept this code. Can you please help how to proceed?
The v5.5 installation instructions say (Step 5):
“Select the Web option if your computer is connected to the Internet, click on ‘Next’ (see here) and enter your name (optional), serial number and your Email address for the return of your licence (see here).”The first ‘see here’ link above gives you a screenshot at https://www.sciword.co.uk/images/v5-5Register1.png.
You have clicked “I already have an unlock code and want to enter it” instead of “By an automated web service”. If you have followed the installation instructions precisely then Scientific WorkPlace already has your serial number from Step 3. Please now go into Scientific WorkPlace, pick up from Help – Register and then select the Web option. We trust this enables you to Register successfully, as indicated by about a dozen lines saying “Available” at Help – System Features (Step 12).
We replied:Bonjour, j'ai installé le sw avec le numéro que j'ai reçu, mais la rubrique "save " concernant l'enregistrement des fichiers ne s'active pas. Pourquoi? Cordialement
[Hello, I installed the sw with the number I received, but the "save" section concerning the saving of files is not activated. Why? Kind regards]
Google Translate will make a fair job of translating our v5.5 installation instructions into whatever language works best for you.If you have installed version 5.5 of Scientific Word, did you notice that the v5.5 installation instructions say at Step 4:At the end of the installation process, click ‘Yes’ on the Register dialog box to register now. NOTE: If you do not Register you will only have the non-functioning Viewer versionDid you Register? Do you have about 12 lines saying “Available” at Help – System Features (Step 12)?
In case your English is not sufficient to follow the installation instructions, we are attaching the v5.5 installation instructions in French. We hope this is helpful and enables you to install your 30-day trial of Scientific Word v5.5.
We responded:Due to certain circumstances, I had to reinstall my PC, and consequently, reinstall SWP 5.5. However, after multiple reinstallation attempts, I am unable to use the same license information to register the software. I have purchased SWP several times over the past 14 years and rely on it for LaTeX compilation.
Could you please assist me with the registration process?
To transfer Scientific WorkPlace to a new Windows 10/11 computer please see our Leap Year's Day 2020 mailing Item 7. Please be sure to follow the v5.5 installation instructions precisely; for the v5.5 Installation checklist of mistakes to avoid, see our January 2024 mailing Item 8.
Note: Registration is machine-specific. You must Register your new installation: click on Help – Register and follow from Step 4 of the v5.5 installation instructions.
We trust this gets you up and running.
to which we replied:Do you have a last version for macOs???
Someone else asked:Thanks for your message.
- Scientific WorkPlace version 5.5 for Windows is much easier to install and use than version 6 for the Mac. Please see our August 2022 mailing Item 3
- If you need to install on a Mac, then you can install Scientific WorkPlace v6.0.30 on Mac OS up to 10.14 Mojave (and then optionally upgrade to SWP v6.1). To do this, download the v6 installation instructions and follow Steps 1 – 8 on pp4-6. The installation is non-trivial, but is well-documented.
We said:I am a Mac user, but your download instructions led me to a 5.5 version only for Windows. Is there a 5.5 version for Mac available?
Thank you for your Scientific Word serial number 300-E0600-<snip> and contact details; we note this licenses you to run Scientific Word v5.5.
With your serial number you cannot run Scientific Word v6. And while version 6 runs on a Mac up to OS 10.14, version 5.5 will only run on Windows: there is no Mac version of Scientific Word v5.5.
- The easiest solution would be to obtain a Windows computer and run Scientific Word v5.5 on it.
- If you a committed to using a Mac, then please see our August 2022 mailing Item 4 (and also the October 2022 mailing Item 1) about using a Windows emulator on a Mac.
Further, we do not recommend running Scientific Word version 6 – particularly not if co-authoring with someone using v5.5: see our August 2022 mailing Item 3 and Leap Year’s Day 2020 mailing Item 4.
We hope this gives clarity, if not the answer you wanted. All the best.
We didn't get this right straight away:I have a fully licensed version of Scientific Workplace 5.5. But I recently changed computers and the university computer version does not have beamer.cst. I had it in my previous computer. I think I installed it as some kind of patch/upgrade. Is it possible to get this.
That wasn't quite correct: Beamer was an add-on to early Builds of version 5.5 (see our May 2008 mailing Item 1). Our second attempt managed better:To answer your question:Perhaps you will be kind enough to let us know how you get on. It's worth bearing in mind that .cst files are relatively unimportant, since they govern the on-screen appearance and do not affect the PDF output. For the difference between .cls, .clo, .sty and .cst files please see our Midsummer 2020 mailing Item 3.
- There should be a folder C:\swp55\Styles\Beamer containing just the file beamer.cst <snip>. It might work simply to create that folder manually from File Explorer, and save the attached file there.
- But it might indicate a more serious issue: Scientific WorkPlace v5.5 should have installed Beamer anyway on your computer. It was only earlier versions (possibly v5.0 or v4.1) where you had to add Beamer as a patch. So if the installation did not install Beamer, it makes me wonder what else it didn't install – possibly because you didn't have Administrator privileges to be able to right-click – Run as Administrator where indicated when following the v5.5 installation instructions. If trying 1 above doesn't solve the problem, we recommend you re-do the installation precisely following the v5.5 installation instructions; if you are unable to right-click – Run as Administrator you will need to ask your University IT Support to grant you Administrator privileges (at least temporarily) or else to do the installation for you.
Searching for 'Beamer' with Ctrl-F on our Mailings page will be helpful for anyone wanting to get the full picture.It sounds like you've got an early Build of version 5.5, since I'm confident Beamer is installed automatically with the latest Build 2960. I recommend you check your Build No. from Help – About, and if it's less than Build 2960 then re-install Scientific WorkPlace v5.5 from the file swp-pro550.exe (95Mb) you can download from our Download page at https://www.sciword.co.uk/download.htm .
Please be sure to follow the v5.5 installation instructions precisely: https://www.sciword.co.uk/pdfs/!v5.5%20Installation.pdf .
If that doesn't solve it, please come back to me.
We replied:In this below matrix hermitian conjugation operation, what can I do to prevent the angles θQ, θI to be treated as scalars and not conjugated?
This information comes from Help – Search – matrices – Matrices submenu – Hermitian transpose; it's probably not a Help page you read every day... The user had a follow-up question:In Maths mode, write assume(real) and then Compute – Evaluate.
Then select the matrix and select Compute – Matrices – Hermitian transpose.
to which we replied:...after the assume(real) statement, I see that the imaginary operator j is also treated as real and is not conjugated in the result. In the help menu example, j is conjugated, but in my example, everything seems to be treated as real and the result is just a transpose and no conjugation is happening
You can change the imaginary unit from i to j by clicking on Compute – Settings – General – Set document values – Imaginary unit – Change from i to j.
“Version 5.5 and Version 6.x installed on a single Windows computer – or Version 6.x on a 32-bit Mac OS® up to 10.14 Mojave – which may be used by any number of people, one at a time”or, as most people do, under Clause 2:
“Any combination of Version 5.5 and Version 6.x for Windows and 32-bit Mac OS® up to 10.14 Mojave, used on several computers by a single person. This allows the holder of a Fixed licence to use the program in their office, on their home computer, and on their laptop.”
This software is way too good to keep to yourself! Why not tell your colleagues and co-authors? Perhaps some Emails... maybe a blog post on a mathematics/economics forum? Even easier is to Share our Facebook page – or any of the Product pages on our website – with your Facebook friends. Thanks a lot.